The Maennerchor and Damenchor hosts a "Stammtisch" for the specific purpose of keeping the German language alive in Kingston. Conversations will be conducted in German with help along the way for those of us who need to improve our speaking knowledge of the language. Topics are open and will be determined by the expressed interests of participants. The program is open to members and friends of all age groups interested in German culture and life. The group generally meets on a Thursday from 5:00 –6:30 p.m. The dates vary based on avialability of the organizer, Michael. There is usually a light snack as well as non-alcoholic beverages. A donation of $2.00 per participant will help to cover the costs. For information please call 845-527-4925.
The chorus is open to all singers. Membership is required, a speaking knowledge of German and/or an ability to read music are not. Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 6:45 – 8:30 p.m. except during the months of January, June, July and August. Performances include a spring and a fall concert plus those at nursing homes and other venues as the occasions arise. We welcome new singers! For more information please email us at or call 845 – 338 – 3763.
There is a large cadre of “workers”. These active members prefer not to sing, but support the organization by maintaining the hall and assisting at events. They have become an integral part of the Maennerchor. If interested please email us at or call 845 – 338 – 3763.
Singers or workers eighteen (18) years of age or older and attending school full time (same requirements as for singer or worker above)
Wishes to support the Organization without regular active participation.
a) Candidate for membership completes an Application for Membership form. The Sponsor for a Candidate must be a current member of the Organization.
b) Candidate is to attend a business meeting on second Wednesday of the month. It is encouraged that the Sponsor also attends the meeting.
c) A Trustee will do a brief interview of the Candidate in person or via telephone.
d) The Candidate shall attend a second meeting and the Trustee shall provide a report at that meeting. Members present shall vote on acceptance of the Candidate for membership. Upon acceptance, dues must be paid within fourteen (14) days following said acceptance. Failure to do so will result in revocation of membership.
e) If Candidate is unable to attend the business meetings the Organization has “exceptional cases” alternatives which can be explained as needed.